Sunday, June 6, 2010

A New Website and Peanut Butter Cookies

I've heard about these websites that generate recipes based on what you have in your kitchen at that very second.  What a great idea!  I never know what to cook and it always bums me out when I find a good recipe, then realize it will cost $20.00 to make because we have absolutely nothing that is in the recipe.

After a quick google search, I found one that I thought looked good.  I was craving dessert so I went in the kitchen and put in the most random ingredients I had.  Peanut Butter, oats, brown sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder (which I was sure was expired but it doesn't until Dec 2010, woohoo!), walnuts, sugar, etc.  I also included some fruit I had (peaches, bananas, apples).  Then I hit the magic button.  Generate recipe.  In seconds, there was 112 pages of recipes I could make using those ingredients.  The cool thing, is that the best matches are first and then they will list out what other ingredients you need to make the recipes that aren't exact matches.  One of the options was peach cobbler!!  But let's be honest here, I'm not that ambitious, especially at 9PM.  I am more of an instant gratification girl.  So, when I saw peanut butter cookies ready in 12 minutes, I went to work.

Impossibly Good Peanut Butter Cookies

1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar - white
1 egg
Sugar - white, Optional (for rolling)

1 - Mix together until smooth.
2 - Drop by teaspoon onto cookie sheet two inches apart.  If desired, roll in extra sugar before placing on cookie sheet.
3 - Press with fork and press again in opposite direction.
4 - Bake 10-12 minutes at 350 degrees.

*I added chocolate chips to mine.  If you want to do this, mix them in with the ingredients in #1.

I found that the ten minutes while I waited for the cookies was just enough time to clean the kitchen, and with only three ingredients, it was so easy!

After this, I put EVERYTHING in my freezer, refrigerator and cabinets into the generator to see what it would come up with.  I will post asap the next thing I make and it will be something for dinner!


  1. A new blog!? Fun! I will add it to my followings :)

    Love the pic by the way...but you need an updated one including the bee...

  2. I know, maybe this weekend??
